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The Weekly Bible Study Guide
Hello Grace Family! Welcome back to the weekly Bible Study Guide! This resource gets us back into the same Bible passage we heard preached on Sunday, and does three things: 1. Breaks down the main points. 2. Asks questions for application in your life. 3. Prompts for focused prayer. Remember, we live not by bread alone, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God (Dt. 8:3; Mt. 4:4). |
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1 Peter 1:10-12, "We Preach Christ"
First, pray. Ask the Lord to open your eyes, that you might behold wondrous things out of his Word (Ps. 119:18). Second, read the passage. Feel free to read it more than once, or in another translation. Third, review the sermon outline. Try to see how the points came out of the text. Fourth, answer the questions below. Focus on personal application. Fifth, pray. Praise and thank the Lord, then ask him to work in mighty ways. |
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The Passage: 1 Peter 1:10-12 ESV
10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, 11 inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories. 12 It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look. |
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Intro: Do you know the value of what you've been given in Chist? Do you know how you received it? Peter writes to several churches reminding them of these things. If they can grasp these, then whatever trials they face, they can rejoice. Concerning this salvation: I. The Old Testament prophets searched for it (v. 10-11). Even the Holy Spirit-inspired men of old did not have the full picture of how salvation would come through the Messiah. Amazingly, Christians do! How valuable a gift! II. The angels long to look into it (v. 12). Even sinless spiritual beings who serve God don't have the full picture of how salvation comes through the Messiah. Amazingly, Christians do! How valuable a gift! III. The way Christians received this great gift of salvation, was through Gospel Preaching (v. 12). Four aspects of Gospel Preaching: (1) It announces the way of salvation in Christ. (2) It maintains the continuity of the entire biblical narrative, culminating in Christ. (3) It is empowered by the Holy Spirit. (4) God uses it to create his church (on hearing it, sinners are born again, with repentance and faith in Christ). Therefore, Gospel Preaching is essential to a healthy church. Conclusion: Realize what we've been given: salvation in Christ! And realize how we received it: through Gospel Preaching. If we do, then just like the churches Peter addressed, whatever trials we face, we can rejoice, because God has granted the salvation of our souls. |
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1. By teaching that we have what the prophets searched for, and what the angels long to look into, Peter implies that salvation is the most valuable, most precious gift imaginable. - Is your salvation precious to you? - Would a non-believer be able to tell? - Had you ever considered before that the prophets were serving us? (see v. 12) - If the prophets foretold what Christ fulfilled, how does this impact your understanding of the Bible?
2. Peter teaches that the believers received the gift of salavtion through Gospel Preaching. - Before you believed in Christ, who shared the Gospel with you? - How do you know when you're hearing Gospel Preaching? - How do you know when you're not hearing Gospel Preaching? - Why is Gospel Preaching essential to a healthy church? - While not every believer will preach to the church, every believer does have a part to play in Gospel Preaching. What are some of these parts? What might be your part(s)?
3. The context of this passage is that despite various trials, believers can rejoice because God has saved them. - How does the Gospel help you through trials? - What about the Gospel leads you to rejoice? - Are you allowing circumstances to determine your rejoicing? How might that change? |
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1. Thank God for plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, for those who preached the Good News to us, and that by his grace, we have received this salvation through faith. 2. Ask God to raise up Gospel Preachers, to protect and preserve the churches' Gospel witness, and for the Spirit to empower the words of our preachers. 3. Pray specifically for those in your life who have not trusted in Jesus. Ask God to enable them to hear the Gospel, repent, and believe. 4. Pray that God would use Gospel Preaching to grow Grace into a healthy church. |
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Thanks for reading the Bible Study Guide! I pray it helps us "continue to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ" (Eph. 4:15).
Sincerely, your brother in Christ, Tom Hansen, Senior Pastor |